One way to ensure that your tub is free from contaminants is to perform a hot tub shock. No bather would want to dip into a cloudy or dirty tub as they can be afraid that it would cause skin and health problems. Aside from the possible potential effects on bathers, having a contaminated water would also bring damage to your tub in the long run.
There are many ways to perform hot tub shock, and in this guide, we are going to tell you more about it. Once you have followed all the steps well, and have mastered it, keeping your hot tub healthy will not be a problem or dilemma, anymore.
Tips: To learn how to shock the pool water, you can read this articles.
Part 1. Why Should You Perform A Hot Tub Shock?
For people who do not have enough understanding of why a hot tub shock is necessary to be executed, we are going to discuss pointers about it, in this part of the article. The process of shocking in tubs, is really helpful and useful, giving you satisfying results similar to that of pool shocking. And to give you a little context about it.
- It will remove bromamines and chloramines.
Once your chlorine and bromine are used in your hot tub water, they release what we call chloramines and bromamines respectively. Once there are too many chloramines present in the hot tub water, you can smell it strongly. Once you execute a hot tub shock, these can be removed from your hot tub getting rid of the strong smell to avoid your bathers from smelling it all in.
- It will reactivate your sanitizer.
As time goes on, your sanitizer is getting less effective. And once it is not functioning well, contaminants may have the chance to govern your hot tub water causing effects such as haziness, and dirtiness in your water. Once a hot tub shock is done, these sanitizers will be reactivated, and applying a great boost of chlorine or bromine through it would kill all the bacteria on a larger scale.
- Hot tub shock kills bacteria.
Once you have added a strong dose of sanitizers such as chlorine or bromine, bacteria can be killed right away! So, if you want to dip into a spotless tub, start with hot tub shocking.
- Remove the compounds and organic contaminants
If your hot tub is frequently used by bather, a lot of compounds and organic contaminants are being introduced to it. Some of these are body oils, fluid, shampoo, lotion, and even dead skin cells, once these items build up it can cause scumming of your hot tub and of course, will lead you to have cloudy water. The shock that you will apply to your hot tub can break down all the organic compounds giving you a clean hot tub where you deserve to swim in.
These are only some of the well-known advantages of executing hot tub shock in your spas! If you become too responsible in keeping your hot tub clean, too many advantages including these can be achieved!
Part 2. What Are The Different Types Of Hot Tub Shock?
There are two types of hot tub shock from which you can choose, we have the non-chlorine-based and the chlorine-based one. Let us see how these two differ, below.
- Non-Chlorine Shock
One of the common types of non-chlorine hot tub shock is the potassium peroxymonosulfate or the potassium monopersulfate. This non-chlorine shock is not a sanitizer; however, it can also improve the quality of your hot tub water and can help oxidize contaminants that you can find on it. It is recommended to be used for your regular maintenance schedules, and it would also be safer to assume that this one does not and will not disinfect your hot tub water.
- Chlorine-Based Shock
Sodium dichlor or dichlor can act as an oxidizer and as a sanitizer as well. If you want to immediately address a dilemma in your hot tub water, this is the most common and inexpensive type you should get. If you always encounter a heavy bather load in your hot tubs, and you also notice the presence of too many contaminants, it is recommended to use a chlorine-based shock.
Aside from these two, there are other forms of hot tub shock treatments that you can also use. For a biguanide shock treatment, you should use a biguanide sanitizer. You can use either a non-chlorine or chlorine shock if you have a saltwater tub. It is also needed that you are aware of the compatibility of the shocks that you are about to use in your hot tubs. It is good to know that both chlorine-based and non-chlorine shock are compatible with most of your spa equipment such as ultraviolet, ozone, and ionization.
Part 3. How Do You Shock Your Hot Tubs?
Now that we have lots of ideas about hot tub shock, let us finally learn how to execute it. Let us see the steps that we have below, and you must follow them carefully to achieve the best results.
- Step 1. Start by removing the cover of your spa, and let it rest by turning it off for 20 minutes. Remove accessories in your hot tub.
- Step 2. The next step is to ensure that your alkalinity levels are within the needed or required range, which is between 80 and 150 ppm, the ideal range is between 120 and 150 ppm. In case the level is not reached, make all the necessary adjustments to achieve the desired level. To identify the level of your alkalinity, use a test strip.

- Step 3. Also, through the use of test kits or strips, start testing the pH. The best range of it is between 7.2 and 7.8. You have to adjust accordingly in case the level is not reached.

- Step 4. Turn off all the jets and blowers, but make sure that you leave your pump on to circulate. Get the bottle of your hot tub shock product and you must carefully read all the instructions and reminders written on the labels or back of it. Make sure that you apply the right dose, and have read the instructions given based on the label of the manufacturer.
- Step 5. Start adding the shock in a very careful manner while making sure you consider the instructions on the product label. Some shock products are typically directly added to the surface of the hot tub water. Make sure to clean off any spills on the surfaces of the hot tub. Also, it would be helpful to wear all the protective gear such as gloves, and eye goggles.
- Step 6 Wait for around 20 to 30 minutes, you can start retesting levels of water chemistry in your hot tub using a testing kit. Once you have verified that sanitizer levels are back to the ideal level, you can then start dipping into your hot tub for some relaxing time.
If you have made sure that these steps are followed accordingly, then you can achieve the results that you are yearning for. In cases where you are not satisfied with the obtained results, you can always repeat the whole process starting from the initial step. You can re-shock until you can attain your desired results! You can also change the shock product that you have used from the previous shock given that you have read all the information and caution to remember.
Part 4. Conclusion
One of the best times to relax is to have a deep dip in a hot tub. To some, it releases stress hormones that may help you achieve a healthier mind and body. To ensure that this can be attained, the hot tub that you are about to use must be clean, clear, and safe to swim in, and it must be free from contaminants which can bring irritation and uneasy feeling for bathers. The development of solutions and fixes through the use of pool chemicals and processes like hot tub shock is a great help to hot tub owners, may it be private one or a commercial hot tub!